The Catgirl

The Small Child

The Village Wench

The Lady
"Could you find my nailfile at Pon Woods? You'll earn arms."
Expertise: Velociraptor impersonations
Interests: gloves, nailfiles |
"Yay! It's my birthday present. Have this."
Expertise: Being irrationally excited about getting candy as a birthday present
Interests: Candy, herbs that will save Sister | "A letter for me? Teehee..."
Expertise: Being irrationally worried about the repeated theft of the king's crown
Interests: Rejecting Some Nobody
Expertise: Losing her son in the woods, being helped by you
Fashion Sense: Lacking
Most Similar to Which Bathroom Appliance: Towelrack |

The Granny

Lost Girl


Some Nobody
"Oh goody! Thanks for the coffee!"
Expertise: Stealing rubies that are the wrong Solor, returning old vases to sprites, breaking barriers, stating the obvious
Interests: coffee, rubies of great power |
"I'm your biggest fan!
I'm going with you!"
Expertise: Sending coffee to grannies, getting lost, getting in your way
Interests: You
"I'll trade you this ruby for a pair of winged."
Expertise: Chicanery, talking about "winged" every damn time you enter town
Weaknesses: Can't deliver his own luggage to Pand; horribly crossed eyes |
"Oh! The Luggage. Here's your pay. Don't tell anyone."
Expertise: illicit deals involving luggage, being self-deprecating, suing those who hit him for all they're worth
Romantic Interest: The Village Wench |

The Old Fool

The Pirate

The Sympathy Witch

The Elf
"I'm lost."
Fits in: Your pack
Alias: The Old Man |
"I have wronged many.
Can I be forgiven?"
Expertise: Rewarding the other heroes; wronging many
Interests: Being awesome
"I and my sisters know many secrets."
Expertise: Apprenticing particularly weak heroes, improving their exp by a negligible amount
Related to: The Banshee
Interests: Soins
Expertise: Playing a mean trick; balancing an apple on one finger


A Sprite

Dorian's Clone

The Punisher
"I'm coming with you!"
Expertise: Stealing all your treasure and giving up easily when caught
Alias: Child |
"You are a true hero..."
Expertise: Identifying true heroes; declaring that she will help
Has: The Old Vase
"Thank you. I was there for 100 years."
Expertise: Getting trapped in jars for 100 years
Interests: Escaping from jars |
"You must train!"
Hangs out in: Forests
Trains: You
Is better at his job than: The Sympathy Witch

The Innkeeper

The Armorer

The Guildmaster

The Narrator
"Will you stay?"
Expertise: Restoring your HP
Status: Bald |
"How can I help you?"
Bailiwick: Arms dealer
Status: Possibly bald |
"How can I help you?"
Bailiwick: Magic dealer
Gender: Underspecified
"Turn 1. Red has 55 turns left."
Use: None